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Taichung City Government
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Taichung City Self-Government Ordinance for Governing Environmental Cleaning and Maintenance Ch
Date: 2015.01.26
Content: Article 1.   This Self-Government Ordinance is formulated by Taichung City (hereinafter referred 
             to as “the City”) for the purposes of enhancing environmental cleaning and 
             maintaining the appearance of the city. 
Article 2.   The Competent Authority of this Self-Government Ordinance is the Environmental 
             Protection Bureau of Taichung City Government (hereinafter referred to as “the 
             Environmental Protection Bureau”). 
Article 3.   Terminology used in this Self-Government Ordinance is defined as follows:
             (1) Designated Clearance Area: as prescribed in Article 3 of the Waste Disposal Act, 
                 means a clearance area officially announced and designated by the enforcement 
                 authority based on the needs for environmental sanitation. 
             (2) Roadways: as the roadways prescribed in Article 3, subparagraph 1, of the Road 
                 Traffic Management and Penalty Act, means highways, streets, lanes, alleys, 
                 squares, arcades, hallways, or other passageways for public use. 
             (3) Sidewalks: as the sidewalks referred to Article 3, subparagraph 3, of the Road 
                 Traffic Management and Penalty Act, means arcades, hallways and ground-level
                 roadways designated for pedestrian use, pedestrian bridges, and underpasses 
                 marked for pedestrian use.
             (4) Vehicles: as the vehicles referred to Article 3, subparagraph 8, of the Road 
                 Traffic Management and Penalty Act, means cars (including motorcycles) powered 
                 by a prime mover, slow-moving vehicles and other motor vehicles on roadways not 
                 including the vehicles powered by electricity installed on rails.
Article 4.   1.In any of the following circumstances on the designated clearance areas, for all 
               of users, managers, or owners shall be responsible for cleaning and maintenance 
               of the public areas within two meters on all sides 
             (1) Setting up vending businesses.
             (2) Holding a wedding, funeral, banquet, an activity meeting, or other outdoor 
             (3) Stacking sand and gravel, brick, cement, or other construction materials or      
                 providing as workplace. 
             (4) Other actions as publicly announced by the Environmental Protection Bureau.  
             2.For those setting up vending businesses prescribed in the preceding paragraph 
               shall install the waste sorting, recycling, and storing facilities in the 
               appropriate locations without concerns of polluting and influencing of 
               environment and sanitation.  
             3.Except for assembly and parade, where the other outdoor gatherings prescribed in 
               the preceding the Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1 are up to a certain scale, the 
               organizer shall submit the environmental cleaning and maintenance plan, fourteen 
               days before the data of the activity, to the Environmental Protection Bureau for 
               future reference.  
             4.The certain scale prescribed in the preceding paragraph should be separately 
               promulgated by the Environmental Protection Bureau.  
Article 5.   1.The users, managers, or owners of the public lands or private lands or roadways 
               shall be responsible for cleaning and maintaining their own lands or roadways, 
               and any of the following circumstances are prohibited: 
             (1) Due to unproperly managing the lands, the height of weeds is more than fifty 
             (2) Due to arbitrarily stacking stuffs on the lands, the sources of vector mosquitos 
                 have been breeding. 
             (3) The rubbishes and other wastes have been stacked on the roadways. 
             (4) For the pavements and ditches within four meters, for the width, of the public  
                 streets, lanes, and alleys, the households, opposite or neighboring, do not 
                 appropriately clean the wastes on a parity with their own responsibility.  
             (5) Refuge islands of roadways, green fields, parks, and other public places, the 
                 management institutions do not appropriately clean the wastes.   
             (6) Others hindering environmental sanitation.
             2.The applied areas prescribed in the preceding paragraph include:
             (1) Within the City’s urban planning areas. 
             (2) The industrial areas outside of the City’s urban planning areas.
             (3) Within twenty meters on two sides of the provincial roads, not located in the 
                 City’s urban planning areas. 
Article 6.   1.For the sites the public places of businesses located at, set by enterprises, 
               within certain scale and range of the following streets, lanes, and alleys, the 
               managers or the owners shall be responsible for the clearing:  
             (1) For the enterprises, the floor area more than 10,000 square meters, the area of 
                 responsibility for the clearing is the site within twenty meters on all sides of 
                 the area. 
             (2) For the enterprises, the floor area between 5,000 square meters and 10,000 
                 square meters, the area of responsibility for the clearing is the site within 
                 ten meters on all sides of the area.
             (3) For the enterprises, not prescribed in the preceding two subparagraphs, the area 
                 of responsibility for the clearing is the site within two meters on all sides of 
                 the area.
             2.The enterprises prescribed in the preceding paragraph means that corporations, 
               firms, markets, medical institutions, judicial persons, and groups that are 
               registered in the City. 
Article 7.   Various civil servant elections, wedding celebration, religious festivals, or other 
             outdoor gatherings, after setting off firecrackers, the organizers shall designate a 
             responsible person to be in charge of cleaning firecracker ashes and other rubbish.  
Article 8.   1.Within the designated clearance areas, installing, hanging over, posting, putting, 
               enclosing, or painting the advisements are not allowed. 
             2.For the acts prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the persons advising the phone 
               numbers on the advisements shall provide the basic information of the actors who 
               doing the actions prescribed in the preceding paragraph. 
             3.The actions prescribed in the first paragraph had been taken through car driving, 
               the car owner shall provide the basic information of the doers. 
Article 9.   1.The owners or keepers taking along with their animals to the public places and 
               doing activities shall carry the tools for cleaning the animals’ excrement. 
             2.The so-called “tools” prescribed in the preceding paragraph means that portable 
               shovel, tongs, papers, plastic bags, or other tools that can be used to clean 
               animals’ excrement. 
Article 10.  1.In the outdoor smoking areas located at the public premises of the City and the 
               public place of businesses set by enterprises, the management entities shall 
               install the equipment for collecting the cigarette butts within two meters on all 
               sides of the areas of seats, pavilions, or other similar facilities provided for 
               the public rest. 
             2.The outdoor public premises and the enterprises’ public place of businesses, 
               required to install the equipment for collecting the cigarette butts prescribed in 
               the preceding paragraph, shall be announce publicly by the Environmental 
               Protection Bureau.  
Article 11.  1.To organize various gatherings in the City, the organizers may submit application 
               to the Environmental Protection Bureau for the installation of mobile toilets. 
             2.The fee collection standards for the application of installation of mobile toilets 
               prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be announced publicly by the 
               Environmental Protection Bureau. 
Article 12.  For the used clothes recycling bins occupying roadways or sidewalks determined and 
             indicated to be moved for clearance by the Environmental Protection Bureau and 
             announcement letters have been post on obvious spot of the used clothes recycling 
             bins but not following the indication to perform the clearance over forty-eight 
             hours shall be treated as wastes and the Environmental Protection Bureau may perform 
             the clearance by its own way straightly.   
Article 13.  For collection and disposal vehicles of the public/private-operated institutions, 
             driving through or parking at the City’s designated clearance areas or public-owned 
             roadways, the car body shall not be dirtied, rusted, damaged, or stunk.  
Article 14.  For those in violation of the Paragraph 1 of Article 10 shall be imposed a fine 
             between NT$30,000 and NT$60,000. 
Article 15.  1.For those in violation of the Paragraph 1 of Article 8 shall be imposed a fine 
               between NT$3,000 and NT$6,000. 
             2.For the phone numbers users or the car owners, prescribed separately in the 
               Paragraph 2 and the Paragraph 3 of Article 8, who do not provide the basic 
               information of perpetrators within the time limit, required by the Environmental 
               Protection Bureau’s notification, shall be imposed a fine between NT$3,000 and 
Article 16.  1.In violation the Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 of Article 4, the Paragraph 1 of 
               Article 5, the Paragraph 1 of Article 6, or the Article 7, the Environmental 
               Protection Bureau shall notify users, mangers, or owners, through an adjudication 
               to effect the improvement within the designated time period. For those failing to 
               fully effect the improvement within the prescribed time limit shall be imposed a 
               fine between NT$1,200 and NT$6,000, and additional fines may be imposed for each 
               successive instance of failures. 
             2.For those in violation of the Paragraph 3 of Article 4 shall be imposed a fine 
               between NT$1,200 and NT$6,000.
Article 17.  For those in violation of the Article 13 shall be imposed a fine between NT$1,200 
             and NT$6,000.
Article 18.  For those in violation of the Paragraph 1 of Article 9 shall be imposed a fine 
             between NT$600 and NT$3,000.
Article 19.  Without appropriate excuse, offenders that refuse to show identification upon 
             request by an official who doing the inspection shall be imposed a fine between 
             NT$ 600 and NT$ 3,000.  
Article 20.  1.This Self-Government Ordinance is effective from the date of promulgation.
             2.Article 10 of this Self-Government Ordinance shall come into force one year after 
               the date of its promulgation. 
Data Source:Taichung City Government Laws and Regulations Retrieving System