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Taichung City Government
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Taichung City Self-Government Ordinance for the Government-owned Parking Facilities Management Ch
Date: 2017.10.17
Content: Article 1.  This Self-Government Ordinance is formulated by Taichung City (hereinafter referred
            to as “the City”) for the purposes of the government-owned parking facilities 
Article 2.  The Competent Authority of this Self-Government Ordinance is the Transportation 
            Bureau of Taichung City Government (hereinafter referred to as “the Bureau”). 
Article 3.  The terminology, “parking lot,” used in this Self-Government Ordinance means 
            curb-side parking lots and off-street parking lots designated by the Bureau, and 
            agency/school-affiliated parking facilities. 
Article 4.  For the government-owned parking facilities, except in accordance with some other 
            relevant regulations, cannot be occupied by non-vehicles.  
Article 5.  For the use of the government-owned parking facilities, the following situations 
            shall be prohibited:  
            (1). For the same parking space in the curb-side parking lots, the same vehicle has
                 been parked more than fifteen consecutive days.  
            (2). For the curb-side parking lots and off-street parking lots, the vehicle coming 
                 with exterior advertisements has been parked more than one day.
            (3). Running a business at the off-street parking lots. 
            (4). Not following the direction of the designated parking space to park the vehicle.  
            (5). Not following the rules to pay the parking charges or being in arrears with the 
                 parking fees. 
            (6). Vehicle parking is not affixed with a license plate or its license plate has 
                 been registered as written off.  
Article 6.  In any of situations as listed in the first subparagraph of the preceding article, 
            the Bureau shall post a clearance notice on a conspicuous spot of the vehicle exterior
            that orders the vehicle’s owner or user to remove the vehicle out of the 
            government-owned parking facilities, and take photographs of the vehicle and make a 
            record sheet. If the owner or user does not follow the order, the vehicle shall be 
            removed and impounded.       
Article 7.  In any of situations as listed in the Article 5, from the second subparagraph to fifth
            subparagraph, the Bureau may order the driver to remove his/her vehicle to a proper 
            place. Where the driver does not remove his/her vehicle or is not inside the vehicle,
            the Bureau may take photographs of the vehicle and make a record sheet, and then 
            remove the vehicle and impound it.  
Article 8.  1.For curb-side parking lots, in any of the situations as listed in the sixth 
              subparagraph of the Article 5, the Taichung City Police Department shall follow the
              procedures to deal with in accordance with the Article 12, third paragraph and 
              fourth paragraph, of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act. 
            2.For the off-street parking lots, where the vehicle parking is not affixed with a 
              license plate, the situation as listed in the sixth subparagraph of the Article 5,
              the Bureau shall post a clearance notice on a conspicuous spot of the vehicle 
              exterior that orders the vehicle’s owner or user to remove the vehicle out of the 
              government-owned parking facilities within 48 hours, and take photographs of the 
              vehicle and make a record sheet. If the owner or user does not follow the order, 
              the vehicle shall be removed and impounded.
            3.For the off-street parking lots, where the vehicle parking is affixed with a 
              license plate which has been registered as written off, the situation as listed in 
              the sixth subparagraph of the Article 5, the Bureau shall post a clearance notice on
              a conspicuous spot of the vehicle exterior that orders the vehicle’s owner or user 
              to remove the vehicle out of the government-owned parking facilities within 7 days,
              and take photographs of the vehicle and make a record sheet. If the owner or user 
              does not follow the order, the vehicle shall be removed and impounded.
Article 9.  For the off-street parking lots, where there is the situation the as listed in the 
            Article 4, after the Bureau advises, the behavior does not clean it immediately or the
            behavior is not there, the vehicle would be treated as the waste and shall be disposed
            of as waste matters in accordance with the Waste Disposal Act.  
Article 10.  When executing the vehicle removing, the Bureau shall attach the seal on the door of 
             the vehicle and take photographs kept as the evidence. At the same ground the vehicle 
             parked or its appropriate surroundings, the Bureau shall use colored crayons to mark 
             the terms “the vehicle be towed to the designated venues” and contacting phone 
             numbers. For tractor-full trailer, tractor-semi trailer, or trailer, the Bureau shall
             mark the time of towing and place on the container or bracket.   
Article 11.   1.When removing the vehicle in accordance with Article 6 and Article 7, the Bureau 
                shall fill and issue a notice of removing to the custodial personnel for 
                collecting the removing charges, impounding charges, and the parking fees in 
              2.Where the vehicle in the preceding paragraph is not reclaimed by its owner or user
                within 5 days, the custodial personnel shall mark the engine number and license 
                plate number and report to the management authority to verify the vehicle owner 
                and notify him/her to retrieve within the specific time. If the vehicle owner 
                cannot be verified, the management authority shall make a public announcement for
                the retrieving. After 3 months following public announcement for the retrieving, 
                if the vehicle remains unclaimed, it shall be delt with in accordance with the laws.
                Where the vehicle has been auctioned, the revenues from the auction shall be 
                deposited pursuant to the laws after the deduction of removal charges, impounding 
                charges, and parking fees in arrears.   
Article 12.  The removing charges and the impounding charges shall be calculated in accordance with
             the Taichung City Self-Government Ordinance for Impoundment of Traffic-Violation 
Article 13.  Before the custodial personnel returns the impounded vehicle to the person who 
             retrieves, the custodial personnel shall check first the certificate of the vehicle 
             ownership, removing charges, custodial charges, and parking fees receipt. 
Article 14.  1.In accordance with Article 8 and Article 9 when removing the vehicles or wastes, the
               vehicles or wastes shall be removed to the designated venues and the custodial 
               personnel shall make a public announcement for the reclaiming within one month. When
               the time is due and no one reclaims, the vehicle would be disposed of as waste 
               matters. If there are residual values, the vehicle or waste shall be auctioned after
               the public announcement be made. The revenues from the auction shall be deposited 
               into the special account for the fund of the government-owned parking facilities of 
               Taichung City.    
             2.For the removed vehicle and waste in the preceding paragraph, before the auctions, 
               the owner may provide the certificates and the receipts of removing charges and 
               impounding charges for retrieving.   
             3.The removing charges for the wastes in the Article 9 shall be charged for NT$ 800 
               per ton and impounding charges for NT$ 100 per ton. Less than one ton, the charges
               will be calculated as one ton.  
Article 15.  1.The removed vehicles or wastes shall be impounded in the designated venues. The 
               locations of the venues shall be publicly announced.  
             2.The Bureau may rent the private towing trucks and the pounds for administering the 
               impounding of the vehicles and wastes.  
Article 16.  1.The custodial personnel of the venue for the impounding shall prepare an impounding 
               record book to document in details the license plate number, engine number, car 
               model, custodial venue, time of custody, charges and auctions, etc. After registering
               the name of the person who claims the car, and his/her address and ID No., the record
               book shall be signed or sealed by the claimant. For the non-vehicle wastes, the 
               custodial personnel shall fill enough information for verifying the characters, 
               custodial venue, time of custody, charges and auctions, etc., and register the name 
               of the claimant, and his/her ID No. and address, and require the claimant to sign and 
               seal the record book in person.   
             2.The record book for the impounding in the preceding paragraph shall be kept for three
Article 17.  1.Where the removed or impounded vehicle has been caused damages or lost by the personnel
               with his/her intent or negligence in doing the vehicle removing or impounding, the 
               aggrieved party has the right to claim for compensations. 
             2.The compensations in the preceding paragraph shall be done in accordance with the 
               Taichung City Self-Government Ordinance for Impoundment of Traffic-Violation Vehicle. 
Article 18.  The required format of documents under this Ordinance should be separately promulgated 
             by the Bureau.   
Article 19.  This Self-Government Ordinance is effective from the date of promulgation.
Data Source:Taichung City Government Laws and Regulations Retrieving System