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Taichung City Government
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Taichung City Self-Government Ordinance for Consumer Protection Ch
Date: 2016.10.04
Content: Article 1.  This Self-Government Ordinance is formulated by Taichung City (hereinafter referred
            to as “the City”) for the purposes of protecting the rights and interests of 
            consumers, advancing the safety of consumer life, and promoting the quality of 
            consumer life.  
Article 2.  1.The competent authority of this Self-Government Ordinance is Taichung City 
              Government (hereinafter referred to as “the Government”), and the enforcement 
              authorities are all of the relevant industry competent authorities subordinating 
              to the Government. 
            2.When the enforcement authority in the preceding paragraph is unclear, a request 
              shall be made to the competent authority for determination thereof. For the 
              matters concerning the competent authorities at the central government, a request 
              shall be made to the Consumer Protection Committee, Executive Yuan, for assignment 
Article 3.  Every January, the enforcement authorities shall report implementation of the 
            measures and enforcement of the regulations, prescribed under the Article 3 of the 
            Consumer Protection Act, to the Government for future reference. 
Article 4.  1.The business operator who provides the place of consumption shall obtain public 
              liability insurance in accordance to the City’s Self-Government Ordinance of 
              Mandatory Public Liability Insurance for Public Place of Business.
            2.When conducting the public safety investigation for buildings and business 
              registration, providing certifications, issuing licenses and certificates, or 
              administering other relevant examinations of / for the place of the consumption, 
              the obtainment of public liability insurance for the place of the consumption 
              shall be investigated by the enforcement authority.

Article 5.  1.When applying for business registration or other relevant licenses, the business 
              operator, in the preceding first paragraph, who provides the place of consumption 
              shall attach the certificate of public liability insurance. Otherwise, such 
              business registration and licenses will not be granted.
            2.Each year, the certificate of obtaining public liability insurance for the place
              of the consumption must be filed to the competent authority for future reference 
              before December 31; the same applies in the event of any change of the insurance.
            3.In the event of failure to comply with the preceding paragraph, and such 
              non-compliance is not corrected within the time limit prescribed, the business 
              registrations and relevant licenses will be revoked, and the place of consumption 
              will be ordered to close. 
Article 6.  1.When a business operator uses standard form contract, such contract must comply 
              with the principles of good faith, equality, and mutual benefit. Also, such 
              contract must comply with mandatory provisions to be included in and prohibitory 
              provisions of standard form contract as proclaimed by the central competent 
              authority, and the business operator must give the consumer a reasonable period 
              to review such contract.
            2.Where standard form contract is without the mandatory provisions proclaimed by the 
              central competent authority, the mandatory provisions are regarded as recorded; 
              standard form contract is with the prohibitory provisions proclaimed by the 
              central competent authority, the prohibitory provisions are regarded as unrecorded.
            3.When the common clause of standard form contract is contradicted to the mandatory 
              provisions proclaimed by the central competent authority, the validity of contract 
              would be determined in accordance with the mandatory provisions. 
            4.The enforcement authorities may examine the business operator on the use of
              standard form contracts whenever necessary. 
Article 7.  1.Where business operator entering contract by distance sales or door-to-door sales 
              with consumers, business operator shall provide consumers the following information
              clearly and conspicuously and must obtain the proofing documents that such 
              consumers are informed thereof:
            (1).The name of the business operator, representatives, firms or places of business, 
                phone numbers or email and contact information which consumers can get rapid and 
                effective communication. 
            (2).The contents of products or services and their prices, payment dates, payment 
                methods, delivery dates, and methods of delivery.
            (3).The period and procedure for consumers to exercise the right to rescind in 
                accordance with Article 19 of the Consumer Protection Act. 
            (4).For products or services, the right to rescind, prescribed in the first paragraph
                of Article 19 of the Consumer Protection Act, cannot be exercised upon the 
                application of provisions prescribed in accordance with the second paragraph of 
                Article 19 of the Consumer Protection Act.
            (5).Consumer complaint handling procedures. 
            (6).Any other matters publicly proclaimed by the central competent authorities. 
            2.Distance sales made via the Internet shall provide consumers with completely 
              recoverable and savable information in electronic format. 
Article 8.  A business operator must provide consumers with full and correct information about 
            the products or services that he/she provides, and must not act to mislead, conceal, 
            or deceive.
Article 9.  A business operator shall not use the opportunity of recommending employment or 
            recruiting staff to ask the job applicant to do some certain transaction behaviors 
            and to obtain inappropriate interests thereof. 
Article 10.  To research, review, and promote the realization of the City's consumer protection 
             projects, the City Government shall establish the Consumer Protection Commission, 
             which shall be in charge of the following matters:
             (1).Reviewing consumer protection projects;
             (2).Coordinating the consumer protection projects and measures with the enforcement
             (3).Supervising the enforcement authorities in the performance of their duties. 
Article 11.  The City Government shall establish consumer service centers to handle matters such 
             as consumer consultation services, educational dissemination, and complaints. The 
             City Government may establish branch offices of the consumer service center in each 
             District Office. 
Article 12.  1.The City Government shall establish a consumer dispute mediation commission, 
               consisting of 7 to 21 commissioners, to handle the mediation of the City's 
               consumer disputes. The term of such commissioners shall be 2 years, and 
               commissioners may be consecutively re-elected. 
             2.For the commission in the preceding paragraph, the senior consumer ombudsmen in 
               higher grade level shall be the chairman, and the City Government shall appoint 
               representatives of the City Government, the representatives recommended by the 
               consumer protection groups, representatives of the professional groups to which 
               business operators belong or to which they are related, and scholars and experts
               to act as other commissioners. 
             3.The number of representatives of consumer protection groups and the number of 
               representatives of the professional groups to which business operators belong or 
               to which they are related as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be the
Article 13.  1.Before each year begins, the City Government's Legislative Affairs Bureau shall 
               compile all matters of consumer protection enforcement reported by the enforcement
               authorities, draw up the City's annual consumer protection project, and submit 
               such project to the City Government's consumer protection commission for approval 
               and to execute in accordance with.
             2.The execution of the annual consumer protection project as referred to in the 
                preceding paragraph shall be monitored by the enforcement authorities pursuant to
                their own duties.
Article 14.  The City Government's consumer service center and the enforcement authorities may 
             conduct the following consumer education and promotion matters:
             (1).Publicizing consumer warnings in the media or on the Internet and distributing 
                 and disseminating such warnings;
             (2).Holding consumer rights education or promotion activities;
             (3).Issuing consumer promotion publications;
             (4).Conducting the enhancement of consumer protection intelligence trainings and 
                 lectures for public servants in the City Government and its subordinate 
             (5).Promoting consumer protection regulations and ideas to the relevant business 
             (6).Publicizing all information related to consumers on the Internet or in the 
                 media in a timely manner. 
Article 15.  1.If the enforcement authorities or consumer ombudsmen believe that there is reason
               for concern that a product or service provided by a business operator may 
               endanger the safety or health of consumers, an examination or testing shall be 
               carried out immediately.The examination or testing as referred to in the preceding 
               paragraph may be entrusted to consumer protection groups, professional 
               organizations, or other public or private institutions or organizations that 
               possess the relevant 
               testing equipment.
             2.Each institution/organization or groups entrusted to conduct the testing matters 
               in the preceding paragraph may request appropriate fees.     
Article 16.  1.If the enforcement authority believes that a product or service provided by a 
               business operator may endanger consumers' lives, bodies, health, or properties, 
               such authority shall conduct an investigation immediately. After the investigation
               is complete, the authority may publicize the processes and results of the 
               investigation. Before such publication, the authority shall give the business 
               operator an opportunity to explain.
             2.If the investigation result as referred to in the preceding paragraph reveals that
               there is or there may be endangerment to consumers' lives, bodies, health, or 
               properties, the enforcement authority shall order such business operator to 
               immediately improve within the time limit, recall or destroy such products or 
               services, where necessary, order such business operator to cease the design, 
               production, manufacturing, processing, importation, distribution of such products
               or the rendering of such services, or take other necessary actions.
Article 17.  If the enforcement authority believes that a product or service provided by a 
             business operator has caused or may cause material injuries or damages to consumers,
             and such circumstances constitutes an emergency situation, then in addition to the 
             actions to be taken pursuant to the preceding article, such enforcement authority 
             shall publicize such business operator's name, address, and products or services 
             through the mass media, or take other necessary actions. 
Article 18.  The enforcement authority or consumer ombudsman shall deal with consumer dispute 
             cases, and upon discovering any of the following inappropriate marketing behaviors 
             of a business operator, the enforcement authority or consumer ombudsman may refer 
             such cases to the relevant competent authority for further handling:
             (1).When conducting door-to-door sales, a business operator provides a service, 
                 examination, or gift that is free of charge in name while it is actually a sale
                 of products or services. 
             (2).A business operator's conduct, language, or advertisement causes consumers to 
                 mistakenly believe the business operator's personnel to be from a government 
                 agency, public interest group, or another business operator, and consequently 
                 the consumer enters into a transaction with such business operator.
             (3).A business operator's conduct, language, or advertisement causes consumers to
                 mistakenly believe that the consumer has a legal obligation to purchase, 
                 install, or use a product or service, or that he/she has received the permit, 
                 approval, authorization, or recommendation of a government agency, public 
                 interest group, or another business operator, and the consumer consequently 
                 enters into a transaction with such business operator. 
             (4).A business operator is suspected of engaging in behavior sufficiently 
                 deceptive to affect the trading order, of publishing false advertising, or of
                 using misleading expressions. 
Article 19.  When dealing with a consumer dispute case, if the enforcement authority or consumer
             ombudsman finds that one of the following situations exists with respect to a 
             business operator, such enforcement authority or consumer ombudsman may publicize 
             such business operator's name, address, the product or service in dispute, and the 
             particular problematic conduct of the business operator on the Internet or in the 
             (1).After the enforcement authority or consumer ombudsman has summoned a business 
                 operator to a meeting to clarify the facts of a consumer dispute case or to 
                 negotiate a resolution, such business operator fails, without any just cause, 
                 to appoint personnel to attend such meeting.
             (2).After reaching an agreement in a consumer dispute case negotiation as referred
                 to in the preceding subparagraph, a business operator fails, without any just 
                 cause, to carry out such agreement.
             (3).A business operator refuses to accept the return of products or the rescission
                 of a contract in accordance with the paragraph 1 of Article 19 of the Consumer 
                 Protection Act. 
Article 20.  The enforcement authority shall designate the specific personnel to carry out 
             consumer protection matters and relevant contact work.
Article 21.  If the enforcement authority or consumer ombudsman investigates a business operator
             outside the jurisdiction of the City, such enforcement authority or consumer 
             ombudsman shall inform or carry out such investigation along with the competent 
             authority or consumer ombudsman for the assistance. 
Article 22.  During the investigation, the enforcement authority or the consumer ombudsman, when
             necessary, may request the City Government's Police Department to dispatch law 
             enforcement personnel for the assistance. 
Article 23.  When necessary, an enforcement authority or consumer ombudsman may entrust a 
             consumer protection group to handle the following matters:
             (1).Conducting surveys, comparisons, inspections, or research of the prices, 
                 qualities, and labeling of products or services; 
             (2).Conducting surveys, perform analysis, and making conclusions with respect to 
                 consumer opinions; and
             (3).Conducting consumers’ educational dissemination. 
Article 24.  1.After obtaining approval from the Mayor of the City Government, the enforcement 
               authority may award a certificate of merit or medal or provide financial rewards
               or subsidies to a consumer protection group that is effective in promoting 
               consumer protection in the City.
             2.If the actor, as presented in the preceding paragraph, is an individual or 
               non-consumer protection group may have appropriate rewards.  
Article 25.  Where a consumer dispute arises between a consumer and a business operator due to 
             issues with a product or service, and one of the following situations applies to 
             such dispute, a consumer may file a complaint to the City Government's consumer 
             service center:
             (1).The business operator's business office or firm is located in the City.
             (2).The contract has been executed or performed in the City.
             (3).The act of infringement took place in or the result thereof occurred in the 
             (4).The consumer’s domicile or residence is located in the City.
             (5).Some other consumer relationships happen in the City.
Article 26.  1.After accepting a complaint, the consumer service center shall, according to the
               nature of the complaint, transfer such complaint to the enforcement authority 
               for handling. The enforcement authority shall inform the consumer of the handling
               situation of the complaint within 30 days starting from the date of the transfer 
               and notify the consumer service center.  
             2.If the enforcement authority does not notify the consumer service center of the 
               result of the complaint within 30 days starting from the date of the transfer, 
               the consumer service center may transfer the complaint to the consumer ombudsmen 
               and notify the enforcement authority to improve its handling of such matters.
Article 27.  1.When handling the consumer dispute complaint cases, the enforcement authority 
               shall comply with the following procedures:
             (1).If the agency has no jurisdiction over the complaint, such complaint shall be 
                 recorded and transferred to the competent agency. 
             (2).If the agency has jurisdiction over the complaint, it shall send a notice to 
                 the business operator and order such business operator to deal with the 
                 complaint appropriately within 15 days after the date the business operator 
                 receives such notice. If the agency would like to learn the relevant facts 
                 and processes, it may order the business operator to provide a reply after 
             (3).If the business operator does not deal with the complaint appropriately and
                 the enforcement authority determines that the complaint is merited, the 
                 enforcement authority shall set a date and order the business operator and 
                 the complainant to appear before the enforcement authority to clarify the 
                 facts and negotiate a resolution.
             (4).If a complaint cannot be appropriately resolved according to the measures 
                 stipulated in the two preceding subparagraphs, the enforcement authority shall
                 send a letter of the result of the complaint procedure as a reply to the 
                 complainant and shall notify the business operator and the City Government's 
                 consumer service center of such letter. The enforcement authority may also 
                 transfer the complaint to a consumer ombudsman for further handling.
             2.The enforcement authority shall notify the City Government's consumer service 
               center and the complainant regarding all of the processes stipulated in the 
               preceding paragraph.
Article 28.  When handling the consumer dispute complaint cases, the consumer ombudsman shall
             comply with the following procedures: 
             (1).If the complaint is not related to a consumer dispute, such complaint will be
                 recorded and transferred to the competent authority and the complainant will 
                 be notified of the same.
             (2).If the consumer ombudsman has no jurisdiction over the complaint, such 
                 complaint will be recorded and transferred to the consumer ombudsman who has 
                 the competent authority and the complainant will be notified of the same.
             (3).If the complaint has not yet been dealt with by the business operator, such 
                 complaint will be recorded and the relevant materials shall be transferred to
                 the business operator for further appropriately handling within 15 days 
                 starting from the date the business operator receives such notice, and the 
                 business operator shall respond straightly to the complainant and the consumer
                 ombudsmen shall be notified of the same. If there is a need to learn the 
                 relevant facts and processes, the consumer ombudsmen may order the business 
                 operators, the consumer service center, the consumer protection groups, or the 
                 relevant agencies to provide relevant materials or require the business operator
                 to provide a reply after investigation. 
             (4).If the complaint involves issues regarding the legal regulations, the consumer 
                 ombudsmen may request the relevant agencies or organizations to explain and 
                 provide information for the consumer ombudsmen's reference.
             (5).When necessary, the consumer ombudsmen may order the business operator and the
                 complainant to appear before him/her to clarify the facts and negotiate a 
             (6).If the business operator and the consumer have reached an agreement on the 
                 resolution of a complaint, the consumer ombudsmen shall make negotiation records
                 thereof, and may send such records to the parties when necessary; if a complaint
                 cannot be appropriately dealt with, the consumer ombudsmen shall send a handling
                 notice to the complainant and copy such notice to the business operator, and 
                 inform the complainant that he/she may apply to the City's consumer protection 
                 mediation committee for mediation or file a consumer litigation in the court.
Article 29.  The consumer ombudsmen handling a complaint may, when necessary, notify the 
             enforcement authority to dispatch personnel to attend the meeting. 
Article 30.  1.If the consumer thinks the complainant of consume dispute has not been responded 
               appropriately, he/she may further apply to the City’s consumer protection 
             2.Where both of the parties to the consumer dispute mediation case have domiciles in
               the City, the parties must apply to the City's consumer protection mediation 
               committee for mediation. If there is one of the following situations, the consumer 
               may also apply to the City's consumer protection mediation committee for mediation:
             (1).The consumer’s domicile or residence is located in the City. 
             (2).The business operator’s business office or firm is located in the City. 
             (3).The consumer relationship happens in the City.  
             (4).Both of the parties have consented to apply to the City’s consumer protection 
                 mediation committee for mediation. 
             3.Where mediation successfully achieves the resolution of a consumer protection 
               mediation case, a letter of mediation shall be made in writing and shall be 
               submitted to the competent court for its approval; the mediation approved by the 
               court shall have the same effect as a binding judgment under the civil litigation.
               Where the mediation is unsuccessful, a certificate stating that the mediation did 
               not resolve the dispute shall be issued to the mediation applicant, and if the 
               applicant initiates litigation pursuant to the law, he/she may attach the 
               certificate to the pleading. 
Article 31.  Each enforcement authority or consumer ombudsmen shall keep the information learned 
             when dealing with a consumer dispute complaint confidential pursuant to the laws, 
             and shall not disclose or misuse or provide someone else to use such information. 
             Once it has been found that the conduct alleged in the complaint may commit a crime,
             such complaint shall be transferred to the police agency or the prosecutor to deal 
Article 32.  The business operator using standard form contract but violating the mandatory or 
             prohibitory provisions publicly proclaimed under the first paragraph of the Article
             6 shall be punished in accordance with the Article 56-1 of the Consumer Protection 
             Act, and additional punishment may be imposed for each successive instance of 
Article 32-1.  For the business operator in violation of the Article 7 to Article 9, the 
               enforcement authority shall make an adjudication requiring the business operator 
               to effect improvement within the designated time period; if the business operator
               is failure to fully effect the improvement within the prescribed time limit, the 
               enforcement authority shall impose a fine between NT$30,000 and NT$100,000, and 
               additional punishment may be imposed for each successive instance of failures. 
Article 32-2.  1.Through exhibitions as the way to sell products or services, the business 
                 operator (hereinafter referred to as “the vendor”) participating the event 
                 shall meet the following rules and must submit the relevant certified documents
                 to the event planner for examination before his/her participation:  
               (1).Where the business the vendor operates shall be permitted by the industry 
                   competent authority, the vendor shall submit the business license issued by 
                   the industry competent authority.  
               (2).Where the products or services the vendor sells shall come with performance 
                   guarantee, based on the natures of the products or services, or in accordance
                   with the relevant regulations, the vendor shall provide the performance 
               2.For the exhibition, the event planner shall examinate the relevant certified 
                 documents the vendors submit. After exanimating and discovering that the vendor
                 fails to meet the requirements of the preceding paragraph, the event planner 
                 shall deny the vendors’ application for this event for exhibition.   
               3.Where the event planner fails to examinate the required documents pursuant to 
                 the preceding paragraph 1, or after exanimating and discovering that the vendor
                 fails to meet the requirements of the preceding paragraph 1, the event planner 
                 does not deny the vendor’s application for this event for the exhibition, the 
                 event planner shall be imposed a fine between NT$30,000 and NT$100,000.
Article 32-3.  1.Through exhibitions as the way to sell products or services, during the 
                 exhibition the event planner, discovering the products or services provided by 
                 the business operators causing damages to the consumer’s tights seriously, 
                 shall notify each enforcement authority or the consumer ombudsman immediately. 
                2.The event planner in violation of the preceding paragraph shall be imposed a 
                  fine between NT$30,000 and NT$100,000. 
Article 33.  A business operator refusing, evading, and obstructing the investigations conducted
             by the enforcement authority or the consumer ombudsman in accordance with paragraph 
             1 of the Article 16 shall be punished pursuant to the Article 57 of the Consumer 
             Protection Act. 
Article 34.  A business operator failing to comply with the orders, made by the enforcement 
             authority or the consumer ombudsman in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Article 16,
             shall be punished pursuant to the Article 58 of the Consumer Protection Act, and 
             additional punishment may be imposed for each successive instance of failures.  
Article 35.  Where a situation as listed in the Article 17 exists with respect to a business 
             operator, in addition to the required dispositions in accordance with the Article 17,
             the business operator may also be punished pursuant to the Article 59 of the Consumer
             Protection Act.  
Article 36.  For the investigations, dispositions, and penalties, pursuant to this Self-Government 
             Ordinance, shall be conducted by each enforcement authority and consumer ombudsman in
             the name of the competent authority. 
Article 37.  This Self-Government Ordinance is effective from the date of  promulgation.
Data Source:Taichung City Government Laws and Regulations Retrieving System